Mental Health and Wellness YouTube channels
Featured Vlogs
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Welcome to my passion project! I’m Emma McAdam, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and my mission is to make mental health resources easier to access. I take therapy skills and psych […]
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SciShow Psych digs into the science! SciShow Psych is all about the human brain and how we humans interact with the world. Hosts Anthony Brown, Brit Garner, and Hank Green explain […]
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Bite Size Psych offers bite-sized nuggets of science-based knowledge on various psychological topics, making it one of the best mental health YouTube channels for quick and informative content.
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If you're here looking for help with anxiety, check back over my old videos and you'll notice that I too was in a bad way back then. Without blowing my own trumpet, I've managed to make hug […]
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A brain-changing cross between mental wellness and personal development. These videos will help you understand what's going on in your mind and emotions, and then giving you the tools to ma […]
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Do you feel alone with your thoughts and you just don't know where to go to sometimes? At Psych2Go, we aim to provide a community where you can learn about yourself and others through cute […]
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Hi, my name is Lauren and I live with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder. This is a channel dedicated to increasing knowledge around schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and mental […]
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No two health journeys are the same, and all of them require helping hands. That’s where we come in. The Mighty is a growing community of people with lived experience sharing their honest s […]
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Kati Morton is a licensed therapist, author and public speaker who is well-known for her YouTube channel focused on mental health where she covers a wide range of topics, including family d […]
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At the School of Global Public Health (GPH) at New York University (NYU), we are preparing the next generation of public health pioneers with the critical thinking skills, acumen and entrep […]
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The Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University is preeminent among academic medical institutions in research, education and clinical care.
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We are on a mission to empower everyone to create a better approach to mental health for themselves and others.